Comprehensive Site Visit

Our Comprehensive Site Visit provides an in-depth evaluation of the property, gathering valuable insights to inform your investment decisions. During the visit, our team conducts a thorough assessment, encompassing property details, staff interviews, operational metrics, marketing efforts, demographic and market analysis, as well as a comprehensive inspection of the physical asset. We interview on-site staff to gather operational data such as occupancy rates, delinquency levels, and screening criteria. Additionally, we assess the property's marketing strengths, including its online presence, listing quality, and reputation. Our analysis includes demographic and market data, crime risk indices, and a detailed examination of the property's condition, from exterior construction to interior layouts and mechanical systems. It's important to note that this service complements but does not substitute our formal due diligence process. By thoroughly evaluating all aspects of the asset, our Comprehensive Site Visit equips you with a comprehensive understanding, enabling you to make well-informed decisions regarding your multifamily investment.

What You’ll Get

Demographic and Submarket Analysis

Detailed Property Assessment

Physical Inspection

Operational Insights

Informed Decision-Making

Marketing Evaluation

  • Maximize returns with our Acquisitions & Dispositions Consulting– we handle everything from analysis to execution, empowering you with tailored investment opportunities and full control.

  • Unlock the power of strategic property management with AFI's Management Bid – tailored solutions for maximizing your multifamily investment's potential.

  • Elevate your operations and reach your operational goals with our Comprehensive Consultative Management Services.

  • Harness investment potential with our Financial Analysis Summary – detailed projections and market insights for informed multifamily investment decisions.